Well, it has been quite some time since my last blog. What can I say? Every time I have been online, I have been trying to do my Christmas shopping (which I have found to be oh so fun). Shopping in the midst of a million people at the malls with Caleb in tow just isn't appealing to me. However, there have been a few hiccups in my holiday season.
About a week and a half ago, Caleb got a wicked cold which led to a double ear infection. Now we have weathered a couple small colds but this one kicked us in the butt so to speak. Ty ended up being out of town for the worst day but Caleb was completely and utterly pitiful for about 3 days. We finally went to the doctor and found out he had a double ear infection (and I thought I was being a silly parent for taking him in with just a cold). So our first adventure with the pink medicine ensued which definitely got easier when Caleb decided he liked it. During this time, I got pretty run down and got sick for a few days as well. Luckily, a very thoughtful friend, Sherri, helped me to keep everything in perspective and gave me daily doses of "medicine". I followed her instructions to the letter and found that "me time" to be most helpful. Thank you for being my "joy with skin on" last week, Sherri!
So now I am nearing the end, but still not done with my shopping (hopefully by Tuesday). And now I am just stressing out about my online purchases which have yet to be shipped but said they were guaranteed by Christmas Eve. Let's hope so!!!
I feel like I am back from the edge and can now look forward to Christmas with illnesses and shopping craziness behind me. Yeah!