Monday, March 21, 2005

Round 1: Complete

Ty has returned from his business trip to Florida. He had fun but it was a long week for Caleb and me. Caleb was great, well-behaved even. It was a trial having my grandma here. She just does stuff, like starts feeding Caleb all kinds of foods he has never had and changing his schedule and cleaning my house. It was nice to have some company but she was here about a day and a half too long. But now it is over and Ty is home for a week then round 2 begins and it's even longer. I think this would all be more tolerable if it was warm and sunny outside but alas it is not so. I think I need to just change my attitude but I just want to get through it.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Hello-o-o (echo)

So Ty has left me for sunny Florida. He has accompanied SCS' senior class to Florida for the week. And of course I am home taking care of Caleb and Caspian wishing for Spring to come. Caleb is being super good (so far) but I get a little bored and miss my husband terribly. Although I think I would rather join him in Florida than have him come home. Anyway my grandma is coming to stay with us today and I am feeling a little conflicted. I love seeing her in small doses so this may be a bit trying for me.

Oh and I don't know if this is curiousity or anxiety but Caleb keeps grinding his teeth and it just makes me cringe. Why does he do this? Doesn't it hurt? Eeeee! I consulted one of the many baby books we have and it said that it is normal. I guess it is one of those 'normal' things I could do without.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


I realize that I don't need to be validated by people but it sure is nice when it just happens. This week the principal from the school I worked at called me. He just wanted to know if I was planning on coming back to work next year or if I was going to extend my leave. He made me feel like he appreciated me and my hard work was validated. I hated telling him that I wouldn't be returning because a part of me would like to go back to teaching part time and I didn't want to disappoint the nice man. Anyway, he went on to tell me that he would try his best to get me back to the school when I did choose to come back. That phone call pretty much made my week. Sigh. Oh and of course I cried when I got off the phone.