Caleb's first day of kindergarten! He was one excited little guy. With his backpack and snack in hand, he went off to that great big school (Greenfield Elementary). I think I had more butterflies than he did. He has a great teacher and is loving it. I am super glad that we went with the half day kindergarten, it is working well for him.
This is Nolan on his first day of preschool with Mrs. James (love his preschool!). He was so excited and ready to go. He had been asking for days (weeks) when he was going to go to school and I would leave him there. No tears (at least from him) or clinging to my legs, just super happy to be there-what a big boy!
Caleb playing soccer for the second season. He is becoming quite the skilled soccer player. Oh and Ty was the coach for his team which was very fun (interesting) to see.
Nolan got to play soccer this time for his first season. Let's just say he ran well. Didn't so much go for the ball. He did manage to score a goal, however, and he was the only three year old on his team that would 'play' the whole game. So all in all a successful season.
Getting their first taste of donuts and cider at three cedars farm-yummy! (sorry Finn, next year)
Griffin loves playing (eating) the leaves. It sure is fun to watch him grow bigger, but does anybody know of anything I can feed him to keep him little?
Another cider mill trip. This time we went to Spicer's. They have my vote for the best donuts and cider of the *ahem* 3 places we have visited.
Every morning when Finn wakes up from his nap, Nolan runs in his room, climbs in his crib and 'plays' with him. I think it is great brother bonding time, as long as Nolan doesn't step or fall on him in the process, of course.
It has been fun to have a little time in the mornings with just Nolan. We have done art projects and cooking projects. Here we are making pumpkin spiced playdough. I think his favorite project so far has been making applesauce. Because he got to eat it, of course. We also made a bunch of baby food for Griffin and have it in the freezer. Ty loves it (or thinks I'm a wee bit crazy) that I have added this to my schedule.
Which one is the real pumpkin? We are carving pumpkins at the Gramer's. Great fun!
Scooping out the pumpkin guts! Eeeewwww! This is shortly before Nolan gagged because of the smell and threw up (just a little).
Caleb at his class Halloween party. Doesn't Wolverine look menacing?