Saturday, November 13, 2004

Yeah God!

people often say that blessings come in small packages, well sometimes they come in big ones too. last week the little red Honda (which was a blessing for 2 1/2 years) finally pooped out. ty and i looked at each other and said alright God, we trusted you with our finances this year. we knew we would make it if our cars were fine and mortgage stayed the same and we didn't eat out on a regular basis. now we were faced with a dilemma. so, ty was sharing this with a friend from school and to make a long story short, this friend's incredibly generous father offered to sell us his wife's 2003 buick century for not a lot of money and no further payments. Yeah God! And thank you incredibly generous Mr. W!

i think this is one of the few times where i have actually placed my finances in the hands of God, more because i have to than i am choosing to. and we have been so blessed by believing that God will honor our decision for me to stay home with Caleb. He is an amazing God who likes to give good gifts to His children!

1 comment:

kelli said...

Yay God...He loves to give gifts. I never actually saw that car last night. Oh well, next time.