Sounds foreboding does it not? But really, I think we all have a bit of an addictive nature, some more than others, of course. I think on the scale of addictive personalities, I would rank in the med/high range. My latest addiction (which I happily share with others) is this crazy game-Settlers of Catan. Why I enjoy frivolously spending many hours upon hours playing this game, I have yet to figure out. It is the perfect blend of strategy and chance where every game is different enough that it holds my interest. It doesn't hurt to win every once in a while, as well.
In addition to that, I am addicted to 24 (the television show) and LOST. Nothing inherently wonderful about these shows, but they are different from your average sitcom. I like trying to figure things out and form my theories. So, there you have it, my addictions of the moment. You are absolutely welcome to join me in my madness. Come watch 24 or LOST and then we'll play Settlers!
Anthony's got me watching the first few episodes, so maybe there's hope for a "24 night". I am always up for the game though! I liked it.
Hi, my name is Jen, and I am a Jack-aholic. Oh, and a Catan-aholic. Do your addictions interfere with your social life? Mine actually ensure that I HAVE a social life! Well, for the next 7 weeks, or so. Then I will very likely go into labor at your house, during one of our games and somehow find a way to incorporate it into the labor and delivery process so that I don't miss anything! But then my addiction will suddenly change to something more soft and cuddly than Jack Bauer.
P.S. I am also addicted to cookies, Rice Krispies with strawberries in them and your kids!
I love it when others share in my addictions! There's probably something wrong with that but it gives me great joy to share the madness!
Sadly, I think that Settlers is reaching clinical addiciton status. It is cutting into my deep sleep time, which in turn is rendering me useless at home and at work. That is like half of the criteria for an addiction!! So I am taking a break...... until you and Ty give us the next 9pm phone call.
i wanna play too!!
the dietsches need to make a settlers saturday day trip to your side of the state, i think. jen -- shall we plan for before or after ella?
Val, Ikea then settlers?? What a plan.
Well...I think it should probably be before Ella, but that may be rather optimistic on my part since my next 3 Saturdays are already wiped out. I really cannot do Ikea without a wheelchair at this point -- the floors kill me. You all pick a time and we'll try to make it. Who knows - if it is late enough, you may be here when I go into labor!
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