Monday, June 11, 2007


I would like to put in my resignation. You might be thinking, "she hasn't even started teaching yet, so why resign." Well, I don't want to resign from teaching. I actually want to resign from the portion of my mom job entitled the nurse. My kids have been so sick. If it is not one it is the other. Saturday, Nolan was writhing on the floor in pain, crying, screaming. I couldn't console him, he didn't want to be held, but he certainly didn't want to be anywhere else either. We finally brought him to a B'ham emergency walk-in clinic and confirmed that he had a double ear infection. By Sunday AM, he was a different child. All it took was a couple of doses of the magic pink stuff. The rest of Sunday was great, both children feeling pretty okay.

But, at 1:30 in the AM Monday, Caleb was puking. So the sheets must be changed, washed, pj's changed, washed. Never fun in the middle of the night, poor kid. After getting him back in bed, I laid awake trying to figure out what is going on. The past 6 months have been one illness after another, at least one illness for each child each month.

So, this morning Caleb's sickness is still looming, but we've been puke free for an hour and a half, that must be cause for a minor celebration.

Needless to say, I would like to resign from my nurse position because that has been far too much of my life lately.


Jen said...

Oh...yucky! Poor you, poor kids! What a mess. Hope all rights itself soon.

val said...

i had my first puke experience today in 6 1/2 years of parenting... can you believe it?! sawyer puked in his car seat -- we were on our way to the beach. then later he sauced (out the other end, and the diaper did not contain it -- sorry for the graphics) all over the living room carpet. he hasn't really acted sick, though! must of been something he ate or something.

i hope caleb has been feeling better, and that nobody else came down with it!

Charity Lemke said...

val, the puke club is not one you want to be a member of, let me tell you.
Less than 24 hours later, you couldn't even tell he was sick, so I guess that's the up side? Maybe something he ate, we'll never know.

mag said...

dude, you gotta post puk stories? you know i'm puk-a-phobic!

kelli said...

Honestly!!! How long until you decide to post again?? Sheesh!