Thursday, June 07, 2007

Random happenings and thoughts

As cute as that picture is of Nolan, I thought it might be time to update the 'ol blog. Lots happening around here. Caleb turned 3 in April-yikes! He can ride a bike with training wheels, knows all his uppercase letters, has short hair for the first time in his life and is looking like an incredibly cute little boy (oh and did i mention that he is incredibly strong-willed?)

Well it also looks as if I am going to be employed in the fall. Yes, I am going back to teaching, part-time that is. I have some mixed feelings about the whole situation. It was one of those faith things where we said, "Alright God here is the ideal situation-the school where I taught before taking a leave of absence and part-time afternoons-if I get that which is a huge long shot, then we'll feel green lighted" And against the odds, that is precisely what happened, so I am planning on teaching kindergarten in the afternoons. Ty will be able to be home with the boys a few afternoons a week and we need to find someone like a college student with a flexible schedule for a couple afternoons a week. So if you know of someone who is good with kids and reliable let me know. Caleb will be going to preschool 2 afternoons a week and Nolan naps really well, so I feel pretty good about that. I'm a little worried about the time that I will have to spend on school related stuff outside of actually teaching. If I could only go in, teach and go home that would be super. But I'm such an over achiever. I've already been in to visit, been to an inservice and spent many hours on the internet researching ideas. We'll just have to see how everything goes down. I know there will be quite an adjustment period for our whole family.

Other news, we've been enjoying the warm weather, riding bikes, playing in the sand table and the water table, going to parks, playing with friends and going for lots of walks. We are gearing up for all the graduation parties and summer events of a high school youth pastor. We are also considering running a 5K in September. Now, to many of you, you scoff at how short a 5K is but to me, it seems like a pretty lofty goal considering how much I loathe running and after only a few runs, my knees are killing me. How old am I???? We shall see if I can stick with it.

1 comment:

kelli said...

Charity, you're back! I can't wait for you guys to get high-speed so you'll blog more often.