Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The latest

We are about 21 episodes into the first season of Heroes. We've watched all of those in the last 2 weeks. It is pretty much what we do when the boys go to bed. We are regularly watching 2 and a couple times 3 episodes a night. It is a fun show with all the characters and the cliffhangers at the end of each episode. I like the whole comic book scene. At this point, I would still have to rate it #3 in the list of my favs, though, just after Lost and 24. We'll see if it can surpass them as time goes on. I think part of it is that I feel like I can find serious flaws in the storyline but I'll hold out judgment. Or maybe it is that I am not having dreams of Heroes like I did with both Lost and 24 so it isn't seeping into my subconscious thought life as much (maybe that is a good thing though).


Jen said...

Sylar freaks me out. That's all I'm sayin.

Charity Lemke said...

crazy freaky but luckily like i said not in my dreams/nightmares freaky, which is a good thing.

kelli said...

This is not "the latest" anymore.