Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New distractions

So you may have noticed that there has been some time off in between posts and I have to admit that I have found yet another distraction...facebook. It's a fun little social network where I can leave quick little comments and feel a bit connected to people. Don't get me wrong, I love to blog about thoughts and ideas but I am finding I lack the time, energy and creativity at times. I would rather read about the lives of everyone on my blog reading list and that leaves little time for keeping up on my own but you may get a snippet every once in a while.

With the holidays and our first bout with winter illnesses over, I am actually looking forward (do I dare say it?) to a little snow. There are lots of things I want to do this winter like ice skate, go sledding, play in the snow (more) and go visit some of the museums in the area. Have you heard of this neat deal that the libraries in southeast michigan are offering? You can check out (just like you would a book-for free!) a 2 or 4 person pass to various museums in the area. I really want to take advantage of that. I think we all need our dose of culture every once in a while. Anyway I don't want this winter to pass me by before I get to do some of those things.

In a couple of weeks, we will be leaving cloudy, cold Michigan for sunny, warm Arizona to visit my mom and sister. As much as I want to enjoy the winter fun, I am excited to leave it behind for a week and spend some time outside.

Oh and for the latest kid quotes: when Caleb is asked whether he wants a little brother or sister he responds by stating that he wants a big sister (like Josh W. has). And when we tell him he can't have a big sister, it just doesn't work like that, he said is God all out of big sisters?
And Nolan, he has some favorite words as well namely mommy (makes my heart smile), pizza (who doesn't love pizza?), and Elmo. He is at that cute stage of acquiring words every day and surprising us with new things. Aaaahhh what fun it is!


val said...

are you pregnant??

Anonymous said...

charity's pregnant!? :)

Charity Lemke said...

what?*#@! definitely not pregnant! believe me we would let everyone know in a forum other than my blog.