Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Why do we live in Michigan?


val said...

hey! nice to see you again :)

like the new look, and love the picture thingy. i'm going to have to figure out how to put music on my blog now...

arizona looks awesome. i was thinking the other day how winter will be wrapping up within the next month or so (let's hope) and that i should really enjoy it while it's here. then i trudged out in the snow and freezing cold to scrape the ice off our van yet again... and i changed my mind. i think we are all ready for spring about now!!

ikea/settlers saturday anyone...?? (for real this time)

Jen said...

Looks like you had a great time! Don't you just love those collages?

The Belgianos said...

Charity I am so impressed!!! That collage rocks, I want to try it. Miss you hope to see you soon?!

Gretchen McStreusel said...

Hi Charity!!! What a nice little blog you have going here! And to think I knew nothing about it. Adding this to my list of frequently checked places! Hope you are doing well, or at least better than the last time I saw you (leaving the pediatritian!) And I must admit when I saw the little sister quote I thought, "What!?!?! Charity's pregnant?!"